Lisa Watson Functional Nutrition Counselor

Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultation

Functional Medicine Nutrition Places you as the CEO of your health

Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Counselor - about Lisa Watson

Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Youth Advocate - about the doctor’s grandson

I’ve often been called the “Connector” of people’s health because I educate and recommend approaches by providing the latest information on food science, lifestyle approaches, and longevity bio-hacking. Utilizing these three areas of health, which all go hand-in-hand, we can optimize our health. Once this information enters your awareness, you have the information to power you to change and develop healthier habits. Our life story matters in our health when we develop a disease or condition, we deserve more than just a symptom-based diagnosis. What was the root cause, and what happened in the cell to start to make a change that was expressed downstream? We can assess and uncover your terrain and help you be well.

Functional Nutrition is not based on trends but on assessing an individual’s health utilizing the tools Functional Medicine doctors are trained in, the Timeline and the Biological Systems Matrix. These two tools uncover clues about why a condition may have been expressed and help the practitioner design action items to follow so that once in place, they can optimize healing one day at a time. These recommendations combine the individual’s assessment data with the latest nutrition, lifestyle, and optimization of longevity evidence. Experienced practitioners continually upgrade their education daily in a constantly changing field due to computer algorithms. We know much more about our health now and how we must live daily to lead a quality life.

To mitigate the stress of what to do with an array of health details coming at us from every direction on social media, I provide the information in basic steps that one needs to manage one's health & wellness effectively. I want to welcome you to my world where the Functional Approach is applied to our health terrain.

Mistakenly, from the current symptom-based approach, we all search for that one remedy, that magic pill, for a disorder or illness. In simple terms, this does not exist. There are multiple causes for any one expression or condition. No test or radiographic scan will tell you everything you need to know, just like a picture of you will not tell people everything about you. We need to dig deep to view our health by looking at our terrain using the Functional Medicine assessment model (root cause) and then improve nutrition and lifestyle habits to move the biggest dial of health: what you do at home.

Healing Herbal Teas

Why the functional medicine nutrition approach is important to me:

I lost my best friend, my mom, to Alzheimer's; I suffered from chronic health conditions and complications from breast implants. Coming out of those experiences, and with over two decades as a healthcare practitioner, I am now armed with a wealth of information to help people make better nutrition and lifestyle choices. This primarily includes reducing the risks and impacts of a poor health terrain. Our diet is the single most significant factor that can change our overall health, including our gut microbiome, which is intimately connected with all our biological systems in a symbiotic fashion.

Treatment must focus on the root cause(s), not end-stage disease or flagged blood markers telling us we have already developed a condition. To identify the root cause(s), we need to examine our terrain by methodically looking at our inflammation, diet, and epigenetics, which are the conditions we could potentially express if we don’t make changes.

The Functional approach improves our overall health and wellness by looking at ways to use food as medicine and lifestyle approaches that optimize our health versus focusing on treating downstream disease. Welcome to my world, the Functional One, to help pull us out of the weeds of our conditions to lead a healthier life and optimize longevity.

Lisa Watson Cooking
Vegan Healthy Energy Cookies

Functional Nutrition Counselors are allied Functional Medicine Practitioners. We believe we need to look at the whole person’s story in their health. Functional Nutritionists move toward a model where we do an in-depth examination of a patient's health terrain using assessment tools to find the root cause(s) of disease expression or where things went wrong.

Learn more about functional nutrition.