Functional Nutrition.

Healing Herbal Teas and vegan cookies

Functional Nutrition is unique in not using a formulaic or cookie-cutter approach. It addresses the whole body versus a symptom or illness. We are currently the only field to fill the gap in the current healthcare model for chronic health issues. Anyone can use a functional consultation to achieve better health and knowledge about their body systems.

A Functional Nutrition Counselor spends time assessing someone’s health terrain in a systematic manner. We have the time during sessions to listen to personal health stories: and by doing so, develop individualized and targeted solutions. I have a strong physiologic background in body systems to educate clients on what may be or what could cause dysfunction, though it’s the “why” that’s key. The why has more meaning in the root cause or inception of disease in the body.

There are many benefits to your health when you consult with me as your Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultant (CFNC)

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional Nutrition Counselors are allied Functional Medicine Practitioners. We believe we need to look at the whole person. Functional Nutritionists move toward a model where we do an in-depth examination of a patient's health terrain using assessment tools to find the root cause of disease expression, or where things went wrong. Functional is aptly named the Art of the Practice (ART). We continually assess, recommend, and track a patient's progress creating optimal health interventions.

The current medical model focuses on a diagnosis and then a protocol approach to symptom management. The Functional Approach is very different. It is based on knowing the individual's health terrain. Functional is a term thrown around a lot, though if we genuinely practice "functionally" we develop trust with the client by taking time to listen to an individual's health story and being open to the clinical insights called Functional Empathy. We might have a certain condition, but how we arrived at that condition is different than others. If we examine the why of a condition and then make targeted dietary and lifestyle changes toward these root causes, we can change the downstream expression allowing for more sustainable results.

Functional Nutrition is not just about Food.

Functional Nutrition is the marriage between food science and our physiologic systems. When we eat a certain diet, it affects our physiologic systems and they are all interconnected in healing us or expressing disease depending on our choices. The current medical system treats mainly individual body systems and this is where things can go astray especially if a chronic health issue is present. We all need to realize that an organ like the stomach is not separate from our bowel or our liver for that matter. They all work in concert like a perfect symphony, or not. It’s our choice. Once a Functional Nutritionist uncovers an individual's terrain, we map the information and form biological connections from in-depth knowledge of the body's physiologic systems and nutrition science.

Your preconceptions of food will fundamentally shift with Functional Nutrition.

No fad diet on social media heals everyone. According to the Pareto principle, the 80:20 rule is a principle we could apply to nutrition for dietary intervention. For example, 80% of the time people may do well on a specific trend diet, though the other 20% would not and would likely make up those suffering from chronic health conditions. This 20% would suffer from this type of protocol. The Functional Approach is individualized and would work for the 20% that need a unique terrain approach based on assessment. In this terrain, uncovered root causes of an illness differ for people, and we respect this difference by assessing the complete health story, physiology, and lifestyle aspects. We put time into our approach, which harnesses empathy, the current missing component today in healthcare; the client is not alone in their health quest. Welcome to the new field of health and wellness, Functional Nutrition. I encourage you to contact me to open your mind and enable you to have tools to apply for positive healing action in your health and that of your family. We all benefit.

Lisa Watson cooking healthy food
Lisa Watson exercising for health and wellness
Functional Medicine Nutrition assessment overview