
Booking a Consultation:

The Premier Health Package

  • Strategy Session

    Consultations can be done virtually or in person.

    The initial strategy session over the phone lasts approximately 5-10 minutes to answer any questions about this website overview. I will also clarify why you seek my help and your overall goal(s) in working with me. This strategy session ensures we are a match to move forward with your diet and lifestyle goals. It’s important to have a goal(s) in mind when you decide to work Functionally. It’s a life change for the better, and you must decide if you are ready to commit to change. The rest is easy.

  • Completion of In-depth Functional Intake Form - Pre-Appointment

    After the initial strategy session, I will send you a Functional Intake Form to complete. It’s an in-depth form that helps give me the information that I need for the following two premier case reviews (PCRs): PCR #1 and PCR #2. The PCRs are in-depth appointments to help me achieve a broader picture of your health to understand where the root causes might exist. These appointments are usually 90 minutes and are booked via Zoom or in person. Let's look at what these sessions entail.

  • PCR #1 / Initial appointment

    This is a review and deep dive into your intake form. Your intake is not to fill a filing cabinet. It's a live document about you and your health story. I take this very seriously. You took the time to fill it out and I'm listening. During this session, I will ask you to expand on some of the questions you answered to clarify and better understand what's happening in your health. I want to match my recommendations to you as an individual.

    After the session, I map your information into a Functional Medicine Timeline. The objective is not to regurgitate everything you wrote but to populate it into key areas so nothing is missed in your comprehensive assessment. This document usually takes an hour of my own time to complete post-appointment. A copy of this document is provided to you in session 2. There are no health recommendations in session one; its purpose is to fully understand your health. Another critical component is the Food, Mood, and Poop journal.

    *Homework: Food, Mood, and Poop (FMP) Journalling

    Often at the end of session one, I’ll ask you to complete some brief home assessments to help truly understand your biological system. This is accomplished by completing a FMP. The object of this journal is not to list amounts of food, but a general overview of what you are eating and how well your bowels are moving. You will also write down your mood surrounding the food you are ingesting or something out of the norm that you notice. The mood section can include any mental or physical symptoms you feel, i.e., energetic, irritated, bloated, gassy, constipated, happy, or lethargic.

    Before the PCR #2 appointment, I will also have you gather any recent lab work you may have done with your Specialist, Functional Medicine Doctor, GP, or Naturopath. Please note that I usually like to leave no longer than two weeks between the first two appointments to move you forward on your positive health trajectory.

  • PCR #2/ Second deep dive

    During the second PCR session, I discuss the assessment of your case from the Functional Timeline and begin to make recommendations. I start to map your Functional Timeline information into one of the most important documents in our Assessment, the Functional Nutrition Matrix. The Functional Matrix is a roadmap to understanding your individual health symptoms and concerns. From this foundational document, I can clearly map out action steps. This document highlights three important areas:

    • How unique we are in our health terrain by opening up details of your health story. Your story includes your epigenetics (familial health conditions/expressions), triggers (negative things/what makes you worse), and mediators (positive things/what makes you feel better) to health;

    • It also allows us to see how individual body systems are connected, referred to as "the soup" (centre portion of our matrix); and,

    • How all things matter in our health, with the “skill” section including biometrics on diet and lifestyle. The lifestyle area includes but is not limited to areas such as nutrition, sleep, stress, bowel movements, exercise, and social connections.

    Information from the Functional Timeline and Matrix helps us determine our focus and how to best support you. The Matrix is our foundational and revolving document on your health that we also use to adjust any action items suggested. Like the timeline, you get to keep this document. It can travel with you to any healthcare practitioner so they see you as an individual with a unique terrain or physiological makeup. This document can even take time out of a physician's busy schedule to help them understand you at a glance. It could even change their approach if they know your system better.

    In the current medical system, many patients often bring family members to appointments in case they forget to bring up important information that might change how a protocol is implemented. With this document, I have gathered important information on your health that shows how your unique body presents and can help quell questions and prevent errors or misunderstandings in medical appointments.

    During this session, if there's time, a client may bring forward any testing they may have done in the past, which can shed light on any signs or symptoms the patient is experiencing. Previous tests may include recent labs, specialist reports, radiology reports, or specialized Naturopathic testing. Remember, nothing is done in vain. It's your story.

    To summarize, after this session, you will understand and see more clearly the individual aspects of your health, i.e., epigenetics, triggers, and mediators, physiologic factors affecting many body systems, and finally, consider specific lifestyle factors that may need adjustment. Remember functionally, that all things are connected and all things matter to fully understand your health.

Repeat check-ins

These can be done over the phone or via Zoom and are booked in 15, 30 and 60-minute increments. There are no email or text interactions other than to set up a meeting, as I must include any correspondence as part of our overall communication file. Check-in discussions similar to medical appointments with your doctor are important to be charted so that nothing is missed within your overall health picture.


Cost of the Premier Health Package

My rates are $350.00 for the first session and $350 for the second, plus GST. As a comparison, many Functional Health consults at larger centres charge $2,400 on average for intake sessions. Similarly, they look at your health history, do baseline assessments, and give suggestions to improve your Health. The Functional approach is very specialized training often studied by healthcare practitioners who want to help patients improve by understanding their overall health better. The reports are in-depth, and the information you will receive is top-notch and based on the latest evidence.

Purpose of Functional consultations

A Functional Nutrition Consultation is for anyone. It’s for the health-conscious person wanting to learn more about their body, the athlete who wants to perform better, the student who wants to get better grades or improve focus, and the executive who wants to improve their health in lieu of the high-stress placed upon them 24/7, to the 20% that suffers from a chronic condition daily and can’t get answers to why they feel the way they do. The Functional approach leaves no one behind, helps erase fear in the unknown, and shows us that we all have the power to embrace healthy change. No test or procedure tells us that. We have control over our terrain, and our body systems have an innate ability to survive.

Many find the two premiere sessions are all they need to bolster them into making healthy changes. The information often gives power to someone to become more aware of their body by finding out how the right tools can heal them from the inside out. Functional assessments give hope to many who have been everywhere and have done everything but are still having problems. From Adults to teens and younger children, we all benefit from someone in our family going through Functional consults because it changes the way we think about our approach to food and lifestyle. This happened in our family. When I studied Functional Nutrition to heal myself, I was blown away by the knowledge and realized my whole family could benefit. My dream was to spread this knowledge to others so that they could experience the healing we have one day at a time. I spread goodness from my pantry to the bellies of family and friends. There is no better campfire talk than opening up to each other about our vulnerabilities and sharing in this thing called life, and it is so fun to do it with food. It is that simple.

Welcome to my world. The Functional one.